Patty Gray
Owner & Chief Stewarding Officer
Brief info
Patty’s heart was to be a mom since she was a small child. That dream came true in 1976 when their first son was born, and then again when two more sons followed behind him. She worked hard at managing her home and her 3 sons, eventually homeschooling the younger two, while managing the bookkeeping and payroll for Everett Gray & Sons Construction, Inc. She never dreamed that she would be the managing officer of a small business until 2003 when she was called upon to take off her domestic hat of 28 years and jump in with both feet to manage their DreamMaker franchise. It was evident early on that her administration skills that she had honed as a homemaker, her leadership skills that she had developed since childhood, and her love for people and hospitality would be just what she needed to lead a local and national award winning franchise company.
“At first it was difficult to change roles, but once I understood my purpose as a businesswoman, I found “home” once again. DreamMaker has been an open door to new relationships and opportunities beyond what I could have hoped for. I love interacting with our customers, hearing what their dream is and seeing that dream become reality. I am grateful that God has positioned me as a businesswoman in Kern County to enhance lives and improve homes.”
When I am not working at DMBK, I like to:
Patty’s “free” time is mainly taken up with family and grandchildren but at the same time she still finds time for friends. With grandchildren she loves to RV travel to the mountains and at the beach. Her most memorable trip with her 2 oldest grandchildren was to Jackson Hole Wyoming and Yellowstone where they camped, hiked, canoed, rafted down the Snake River and went horseback riding and fishing. With friends she also enjoys RV travel, wine tasting trips, and entertaining in their own home. Patty also enjoys serving on the Board of Directors for Youth for Christ and participating in women’s Bible studies. “God has been so very good to us. I am blessed to have a loving family, good friends, and wonderful clients to work with every day. To me, life is all about building strong relationships.” One day she hopes to visit Alaska, take a hot air balloon ride over Napa Valley, take piano lessons again, and spend more time volunteering in the community.